Our History
Leading Edge Consultants, Inc. (LEC) is a Professional Psychological Services Consulting "C" Corporation based in North Carolina. We began as Psychological Services Inc., The oldest professional psychology corporation in Ohio. Our roots began in Law Enforcement Psychology, Employee Assistance Programming, and Family Counseling. Over the years we have vastly expanded into work with Military Special Operations Forces and Special Missions Units within both state and federal government agencies. All of our consultants are doctoral level professionals representing a wide array of operational and clinical psychological settings.
- U.S. Army Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, stand in formation during an award ceremony hosted by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno at Hunter Army Airfield, Ga., Oct. 26, 2012. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Teddy Wade/Released)
- Our staff has worked with the FBI HRT, State Law Enforcement Special Response Teams, SWAT Operations, Metropolitan Police forces, Suburban LE departments, and other specialized law enforcement units.
Our Objective
LEC provides a wide range of psychological consultation services that are designed around the specific needs of our clients. One common thread is that each of our consultants have worked successfully in governmental, Military, and private sector organizations and bring a wealth of experience and expertise into their work. Our consultants have backgrounds in every component of the U.S. Armed Forces, FBI, NSA, CIA, NASA, DIA, and numerous other public and private sector jobs.
Our primary objective is to be a functionally effective Organizational and Operational Success multiplier for our clients. We recognize that the selection, development, training, management, and leadership of the right people for our clients is critical to their success. We strive to keep each of our clients at the Leading Edge of their professions.